The equation 64x7−112x5−8x4+56x3+8x2−7x−1=0
, I triedNSolve[64 x^7 - 112 x^5 - 8 x^4 + 56 x^3 + 8 x^2 - 7 x - 1 == 0, x, Reals]
and I get
{{x -> -0.959493}, {x -> -0.654861}, {x -> -0.5}, {x -> -0.142315}, \
{x -> 0.415415}, {x -> 0.841254}, {x -> 1.}}
With Solve
, I tried
{{x -> -(1/2)}, {x -> 1},
{x -> Root[1 + 6 #1 - 12 #1^2 - 32 #1^3 + 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^5 &, 1]},
{x -> Root[1 + 6 #1 - 12 #1^2 - 32 #1^3 + 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^5 &, 2]},
{x -> Root[1 + 6 #1 - 12 #1^2 - 32 #1^3 + 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^5 &, 3]},
{x -> Root[1 + 6 #1 - 12 #1^2 - 32 #1^3 + 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^5 &, 4]},
{x -> Root[1 + 6 #1 - 12 #1^2 - 32 #1^3 + 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^5 &, 5]}}
How to get exact solutions of the given equation?
Since we ask if the numbers xn=cos(2nπ11) are the actual roots of the polynomial :
p[x_] := 64 x^7 - 112 x^5 - 8 x^4 + 56 x^3 + 8 x^2 - 7 x - 1
any numerical approach cannot be sufficient and in order to prove the statement we should proceed with a symbolic approach. Nevertheless NSolve
may guarantee that all the roots could be represented in terms of values of trigonometrical functions like Sin
or Cos
for real arguments since we have :
And @@ ( -1 <= x <= 1 /. NSolve[ p[x] == 0, x] )
The five of the roots are represented in terms of the Root
objects, and only two of them have been rewritten by built-in rewrite rules as rational numbers :
r = List @@ Roots[64 x^7 - 112 x^5 - 8 x^4 + 56 x^3 + 8 x^2 - 7 x - 1 == 0, x][[All, 2]];
r[[5 ;;]]
{ Root[1 + 6 #1 - 12 #1^2 - 32 #1^3 + 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^5 &, 5], -(1/2), 1}
Now we can experss r[[;;5]]
in terms of Cos
(it is possible as we have shown above), we can do it this way :
ArcCos @ r[[;; 5]] // FullSimplify
{ 10π/11, 8π/11, 6 π/11, 4π/11, 2π/11}
We might also use ArcSin
as well. Let`s verify if they are equal :
Table[ Root[1 + 6 #1 - 12 #1^2 - 32 #1^3 + 16 #1^4 + 32 #1^5 &, k] - Cos[2(6 - k)Ï€/11],
{k, 5}] // RootReduce
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Well, indeed these are the roots of the polynomial p(x). One observes that FullSimplify
cannot reduce the above Table
with the standard built-in rewrite rules unless one uses e.g. Table[ Root[...] - Cos[...], {k,5}]// FullSimplify[#, TransformationFunctions -> RootReduce]&
Another way which might be helpful in more involved cases would be e.g. mapping PossibleZeroQ
, however we have to remember that PossibleZeroQ
provides a quick but not always accurate test.
Since all the roots can be represented as Sin
or Cos
for real arguments, it would be a good idea to explain what is so specific behind the polynomial p[x]
. We can reach a general view working with a transformation pointed out by whuber in the comments.
g[z_] := (p[x] /. x -> (z + 1/z)/2) 2 z^Exponent[p[x], x]
g[z] // Factor
(-1 + z)^2 (1 + z + z^2) (1 + z + z^2 + z^3 + z^4 + z^5 + z^6 + z^7 + z^8 + z^9 + z^10)
All the roots of g[z]
are roots of unity :
And @@ RootOfUnityQ[ List @@ Roots[ g[z] == 0, z][[All, 2]] ]
moreover all the polynomial factors of g[z]
are cyclotomic polynomials, respectively C21(z), C3(z) and C11(z) (see Cyclotomic
), so we have :
Times @@ (Cyclotomic[#, z] & /@ {1, 1, 3, 11}) == g[z] // Factor
Following in reverse direction we would generate more polynomials with the roots expressible in terms of sin or cos functions on rational multiples of π.
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