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graphics - How can I generate and randomly assign color to annular sectors?

enter image description here

How can I generate such an image and fill every annular sector with a random colour?


With V10 came RandomColor and ColorSpace

Using Michael E2's wonderful solution

plot =
ParametricPlot[r {Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {r, 0, 12}, {t, 0, 2 Pi},
ImageSize -> 500,
Mesh -> 13,
MeshShading -> {{Red, Red}, {Red, Red}},
PlotRange -> {{-9, 9}, {-4, 4}}];

Grid @ Partition[Table[plot /.
poly_Polygon :> {RandomColor[ColorSpace -> space], poly},

{space, {"RGB", "XYZ", "CMYK", "Grayscale"}}], 2]

enter image description here
