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graphs and networks - Combinatorica: Girth[] and FindCycle[] disagreement

Warning: run the following code in a fresh Mma session, as some symbols could be shadowed (depending on your Mma version)

While trying to answer this question, I fell into the following:

 (* Let's load a large Directed Graph and convert it to Combinatorica *)
g = Graph@Union@Flatten[
Thread[DirectedEdge @@ ##] & /@ Select[{#, IsotopeData[#, "DaughterNuclides"]} & /@
IsotopeData[], #[[2]] != {} &]];
<< Combinatorica`
cg = ToCombinatoricaGraph[g];

Girth[cg] gives the length of a shortest cycle in a simple graph g.

So, let's check if cg is Simple and calculate its Girth:

{SimpleQ@cg, Girth@cg}
-> {True, 3}

So there is at least one Cycle in cg of length 3.

But look what happens when we try to find it by the two available methods in Combinatorica:

{ExtractCycles@cg, FindCycle@cg}
-> {{},{}}

So, two questions:

  1. Is this a bug?

  2. What is the easiest way to find all cycles in g without using Combinatorica?


BTW, the (now) standard Graph functionality also detects cycles:

(* -> False *)


I don't think it's a bug. Directed radioactive decay graphs shouldn't have cycles by definition and AcyclicGraphQ doesn't see them either:



You don't seem to have heeded your own warning to start with a fresh kernel, as playing around with the code for a while gave me False too.

The output of ExtractCycles and FindCycle is therefore correct.

Girth doesn't seem to take directionality into account when determining cycles:

Cyclic directed graph:

Girth@ ToCombinatoricaGraph@
System`Graph[{1 \[DirectedEdge] 2, 2 \[DirectedEdge] 3, 3 \[DirectedEdge] 1}]


Acyclic directed graph (note the reversed direction of the last edge):

System`Graph[{1 \[DirectedEdge] 2, 2 \[DirectedEdge] 3, 1 \[DirectedEdge] 3}]

