Hello everyone, This is a puzzle I got from someone via social media. Basically, we need to fill up the boxes with the numbers 1-9 (no repetitions) that fit the multiplication and addition operations.
I managed to solve this puzzle by using a brute force method in Excel+VBA. However, it would be very interesting if it can be solved in Mathematica with its specialty as computational software. Any idea will be appreciated.
A non brute-force approach is the following, similar to my answer for the Zebra Puzzle.
Both puzzles are examples of constrainst satisfaction problems, that can be solved with Reduce
or, more efficiently, with LinearProgramming
The good about this approach is that you can easily extend and apply to many similar problems.
The common part:
- Assign an index i to each box from top left, i=1,2,…,9.
- In each box you should put a digit k, k=1,…,9.
- Assign an index l to the whole number/row, l=1,…,5.
- the variable
is 1 if there is the digit k in the cell i and 0 otherwise. d[i]
is the digit in cell i.n[l]
is the whole number in the row l (one or two cell).
The easier and slower approach is with Maximize
. Build constraints and pass to Maximize
with a constant objective function, so Maximize
will try only to satisfy constraints. Constraints are:
n[1] * n[2] == n[3]
n[3] + n[4] == n[5]
- each cell should be filled with exactly one digit
- each digit should be placed in exactly one cell
0 <= x[i,k] <= 1
,x[i,k] \elem Integers
That's all.
d[i_] := Sum[x[i, k] k, {k, 9}]
n[l_] := FromDigits[d /@ {{1, 2}, {3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7}, {8, 9}}[[l]]]
solution = Last@Maximize[{0, {
n[1]*n[2] == n[3],
n[3] + n[4] == n[5],
Table[Sum[x[i, k], {k, 9}] == 1, {i, 9}],
Table[Sum[x[i, k], {i, 9}] == 1, {k, 9}],
Thread[0 <= Flatten@Array[x, {9, 9}] <= 1]}},
Flatten@Array[x, {9, 9}], Integers];
Array[n, 5] /. solution
{17, 4, 68, 25, 93}
Not fast (not linear).
A faster approach is to use LinearProgramming
, but you need to:
- change the first constraint so that it become linear
- manually build matrix and vectors input for
(see docs)
The next piece of code do that. Please note that the single non-linear constraint n[1]*n[2] == n[3]
has been replaced with 18 linear "conditional" constraints.
d[i_] := Sum[x[i, k] k, {k, 9}]
n[l_] := FromDigits[d /@ {{1, 2}, {3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7}, {8, 9}}[[l]]]
vars = Flatten@Array[x, {9, 9}];
constraints = Flatten@{
k n[1] >= n[3] - 75 (1 - x[3, k]),
k n[1] <= n[3] + 859 (1 - x[3, k])
}, {k, 9}],
n[3] + n[4] == n[5],
Table[Sum[x[i, k], {k, 9}] == 1, {i, 9}],
Table[Sum[x[i, k], {i, 9}] == 1, {k, 9}]};
bm = CoefficientArrays[Equal @@@ constraints, vars];
solution = LinearProgramming[
Table[0, Length@vars],
constraints[[All, 0]] /. {LessEqual -> -1, Equal -> 0,
GreaterEqual -> 1}},
Table[{0, 1}, Length@vars],
Array[n, 5] /. Thread[vars -> solution]
{17, 4, 68, 25, 93}
The execution is now about instantaneous.
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