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graphics - How to draw Fractal images of iteration functions on the Riemann sphere?

Prof. McClure, in the work "M. McClure, Newton's method for complex polynomials. A preprint version of a “Mathematical graphics” column from Mathematica in Education and Research, pp. 1–15 (2006)", discusses how Mathematica can be applied to iteration functions for obtaining the basins of attraction (or their fractal images). Below, I provide his code for the fractal image of the polynomial $p(z)=z^3-1$:

p[z_] := z^3 - 1;
theRoots = z /. NSolve[p[z] == 0, z]
cp = Compile[{{z, _Complex}}, Evaluate[p[z]]];
n = Compile[{{z, _Complex}}, Evaluate[Simplify[z - p[z]/p'[z]]]];
bail = 150;
orbitData = Table[

NestWhileList[n, x + I y, Abs[cp[#]] > 0.01 &, 1, bail],
{y, -1, 1, 0.01}, {x, -1, 1, 0.01}
numRoots = Length[Union[theRoots]];
sameRootFunc = Compile[{{z, _Complex}}, Evaluate[Abs[3 p[z]/p'[z]]]];
whichRoot[orbit_] :=
Module[{i, z},
z = Last[orbit]; i = 1;
Scan[If[Abs[z - #] < sameRootFunc[z], Return[i], i++] &, theRoots];
If[i <= numRoots, {i, Length[orbit]}, None]

rootData = Map[whichRoot, orbitData, {2}];
colorList = {{cc, 0, 0}, {cc, cc, 0}, {0, 0, cc}};
cols = rootData /. {
{k_Integer, l_Integer} :> (colorList[[k]] /. cc -> (1 - l/(bail + 1))^8),
None -> {0, 0, 0}

Newton-Raphson fractal

My main question is here. He nicely obtained the fractal images on the complex plane, while it would be an interesting challenge to obtain these images on the Riemann sphere, e.g.

Newton-Raphson fractal on the Riemann sphere

It seems the complex plane in this case has been replaced by a sphere, but how? I will be thankful if someone could revise the code given above for obtaining such beautiful fractal images on the Riemann sphere. Any tips and tricks will be fully appreciated as well.


I've decided to write a simplification+extension of Mark's routine as a separate answer. In particular, I wanted a routine that yields Riemann sphere fractals not only for Newton-Raphson, but also its higher-order generalizations (e.g. Halley's method).

I decided to use Kalantari's "basic iteration" family for the purpose. An $n$-th order member of the family looks like this:

$$x_{k+1}=x_k-f(x_k)\frac{\mathcal D_{n-1}(x_k)}{\mathcal D_n(x_k)}$$


$$\mathcal D_0(x_k)=1,\qquad\mathcal D_n(x_k)=\begin{vmatrix}f^\prime(x_k)&\tfrac{f^{\prime\prime}(x_k)}{2!}&\cdots&\tfrac{f^{(n-2)}(x_k)}{(n-2)!}&\tfrac{f^{(n-1)}(x_k)}{(n-1)!}\\f(x_k)&f^\prime(x_k)&\ddots&\vdots&\tfrac{f^{(n-2)}(x_k)}{(n-2)!}\\&f(x_k)&\ddots&\ddots&\vdots\\&&\ddots&\ddots&\vdots\\&&&f(x_k)&f^\prime(x_k)\end{vmatrix}$$

As noted in that paper, the basic family generalizes the Newton-Raphson iteration; $n=1$ corresponds to Newton-Raphson, while $n=2$ gives Halley's method. (Relatedly, see also Kalantari's work on polynomiography.)

Here's a routine for $\mathcal D_n(x)$:

iterdet[f_, x_, 0] := 1;
iterdet[f_, x_, n_Integer?Positive] := Det[ToeplitzMatrix[PadRight[{D[f, x], f}, n],
Table[SeriesCoefficient[Function[x, f]@\[FormalX], {\[FormalX], x, k}], {k, n}]]]

Here is the routine for generating the Riemann sphere fractals:

Options[rootFractalSphere] = {ColorFunction -> Automatic, ImageResolution -> 400,
MaxIterations -> 50, Order -> 1, Tolerance -> 0.01};

rootFractalSphere[fIn_, var_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] /; PolynomialQ[fIn, var] :=

Module[{γ = 0.2, bail, cf, colList, f, h, itFun, ord, roots, tex, tol},

f = Function[var, fIn];
ord = OptionValue[Order];
itFun = Function[var, var - Simplify[f[var] iterdet[f[var], var, ord - 1]/
iterdet[f[var], var, ord]] // Evaluate];

roots = var /. NSolve[f[var], var];
cf = OptionValue[ColorFunction];
If[cf === Automatic, cf = ColorData[61]];

colList = Append[Table[List @@ ColorConvert[cf[k], RGBColor], {k, Length[roots]}],
{0., 0., 0.}];

bail = OptionValue[MaxIterations]; tol = OptionValue[Tolerance];
makeColor = Compile[{{z0, _Complex}},
Module[{cnt = 0, i = 1, z},
z = FixedPoint[(++cnt; itFun[#]) &, z0, bail,
SameTest -> (Abs[f[#2]] < tol &)];
Scan[If[Abs[z - #] < 10 tol, Return[i], i++] &, roots];
Abs[colList[[i]] (cnt/bail)^γ]],

CompilationOptions -> {"InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True},
RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}, RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"];

h = π/OptionValue[ImageResolution];
tex = Developer`ToPackedArray[makeColor[
Table[Cot[φ/2] Exp[I θ], {φ, h, π - h, h}, {θ, -π, π, h}]]];

ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[θ] Sin[φ], Sin[θ] Sin[φ], Cos[φ]}, {θ, -π, π}, {φ, 0, π},
Axes -> False, Boxed -> False, Lighting -> "Neutral", Mesh -> None,
PlotPoints -> 75, PlotStyle -> Texture[tex],

Evaluate[Sequence @@ FilterRules[{opts}, Options[Graphics3D]]]]]

Other notes:

  • The compiled functions limitInfo[] and color[] have been merged into the single function makeColor[]. This function was not localized on purpose to allow its use even after executing rootFractalSphere[].

  • Texture[] can directly accept an array of RGB triplets, so there is no need to use Image[] if these triplets are being generated directly by makeColor[].

Now, for some examples. The first two are Newton-Raphson fractals:

rootFractalSphere[z^3 - 1, z]

Newton-Raphson fractal of z^3 - 1

rootFractalSphere[(2 z/3)^8 - (2 z/3)^2 + 1/10, z]

Newton-Raphson fractal of (2 z/3)^8 - (2 z/3)^2 + 1/10

Here is a fractal generated by Halley's method:

rootFractalSphere[(2 z/3)^8 - (2 z/3)^2 + 1/10, z, Order -> 2]

Halley fractal of (2 z/3)^8 - (2 z/3)^2 + 1/10

Finally, a fractal from a third order iteration:

rootFractalSphere[z^10 - z^5 - 1, z, ColorFunction -> ColorData[54], 
MaxIterations -> 200, Order -> 3]

Third-order iteration fractal for z^10 - z^5 - 1
