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list manipulation - How to convert a RawArray of bytes to ByteArray?

A ByteArray can be converted to a RawArray:

ba = ByteArray[{1, 2, 3, 4}]
(* ByteArray[{1, 2, 3, 4}] *)

ra = RawArray["Byte", ba]
(* RawArray["UnsignedInteger8",{1, 2, 3, 4}] *)

(* {1, 2, 3, 4} *)

Presumably, this is done without unpacking the ByteArray contents to 64-bit integers first (although I have no proof of this).

Is there a similar space-efficient way to convert a rank-1 byte-type RawArray to a ByteArray?


At present there is no way to do this from top level, since there is no interface to the internal function that converts a rank-1 RawArray of bytes into a ByteArray.

However, as already pointed out, it's possible to take advantage of LibraryLink which will do a conversion given an MRawArray on the C side and a "ByteArray" return type, for example


src = "
#include \"WolframLibrary.h\"
#include \"WolframRawArrayLibrary.h\"

DLLEXPORT mint WolframLibrary_getVersion() {
return WolframLibraryVersion;

DLLEXPORT int WolframLibrary_initialize( WolframLibraryData libData) {
return 0;

DLLEXPORT void WolframLibrary_uninitialize( WolframLibraryData libData) {


DLLEXPORT int mrawarray_to_bytearray( WolframLibraryData libData,
mint Argc, MArgument *Args, MArgument Res) {

WolframRawArrayLibrary_Functions rawFuns = libData->rawarrayLibraryFunctions;
MRawArray ra;
mint rank;
rawarray_t type;

if (Argc != 1) return LIBRARY_FUNCTION_ERROR;
ra = MArgument_getMRawArray(Args[0]);

type = rawFuns->MRawArray_getType(ra);
rank = rawFuns->MRawArray_getRank(ra);

if (rank == 1 && type == MRawArray_Type_Ubit8) {
MArgument_setMRawArray(Res, ra);



lib = CreateLibrary[src, "toByteArray"];

toByteArray = LibraryFunctionLoad[lib,
"mrawarray_to_bytearray", {"RawArray"}, "ByteArray"];

toByteArray[RawArray["Byte", {1, 2, 3, 4}]]

(* ByteArray["AQIDBA=="] *)
