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list manipulation - How to randomly select subsets

I have a list of around 300 elements. I want to sample subsets of length 25 such that my samples are all distinct. My first inclination was to use something like RandomSample[Subsets[list, {25}], 1000], but the problem is the number of subsets of length 25 out of a 300 element set is way to big for the computer to deal with. Anyone have a nice way to do this?


This question may be a duplicate but for the time being:

list = Range[300];

The number of subsets length 25:

n = Binomial[300, 25]


Five samples:

samp = RandomInteger[{1, n}, 5]


Your subsets:

 Subsets[list, {25}, {#}][[1]] & /@ samp


Be aware that RandomInteger could produce duplicate samples however for the example given it is extremely unlikely. You can produce more an use DeleteDuplicates and Take as needed.

I think kguler's answer is the better method, and I wish I had had the insight to realize it myself, however there is still some value in the method above. Referring to subsets by a single number can make them easier to handle.

  • They take less space.

  • Comparison (e.g. for removing duplicates) requires a single numeric comparison rather than a list comparison.

  • A given subset is independent of the input list; only length of input and subset matter.

One can "unrank" them at any time using the third parameter of Subsets as shown above.
